I can’t believe it’s been 25 years since the release of my debut novel PRAIRIE BRIDE. It was originally published by Harlequin Historicals in 2000 but eventually went out-of-print. Years later, I managed to get the rights back and happily reissued the novel in 2017 with a fresh new cover. I also rewrote the book to better reflect changes (and hopefully improvements!) in my writing style. The plot remained the same, but not a single sentence went untouched.
All these years later, I’m still proud of this sweet little historical romance novel, set on the Kansas prairies, which I poured my heart into while I was pregnant with my daughter, Laura. It was a time when I was inspired and driven by my big dream to become a published author – which would allow me to be a stay-at-home mom. I’d wanted it with every inch of my soul. It took six years and four rejected manuscripts before I finally got published. When it happened, it felt like a hard-earned victory, a major milestone, and the beginnings of a new life.
Since then, I’ve raised a wonderful daughter, and I’ve changed and grown as a writer. Careerwise, I’ve had ups and downs with different publishers, and I’ve also published independently. But here I am, still writing for a living and feeling incredibly grateful for that.
So, cheers to everyone out there pursuing a passion!
I truly believe that the secret is not giving up, even if it takes time. As long as you enjoy the work and the climb to get there, it’s worth it, because life is meant to be enjoyed. Spend your days doing what makes you feel fulfilled!